On March 20th we held our E-Friends family pasty making party, the weather wasn’t too good but we decided to proceed ahead with the event despite the rain.
Once everyone had arrived I gave a little introduction to what we would be making, Pasties!!! I then moved onto demonstrating to the groups how to make the pastry for the pasties we would be cooking.
After the groups had finished making their pastry they wrapped it in cling film and placed it in the fridge for 20 to 30 minutes (to make it easier to roll the pastry). During this time I showed the groups how to prepare the fillings they had brought along with them and then demonstrated how to make a pasty.
The groups began to prepare their pasty filling, it was great to see all of the groups different ingredients, there was curry flavour, ham, corn and cheese, asparagus, carrots and potato.
Once the groups had made their pasties we all went to the oven and placed them in. While waiting for the pasties to cook we played the English game called “Simon says”, it turned out that almost everyone was very good, it was difficult trying to catch people out.
After about 25 minutes it was time to check the pasties. The pasties looked great with the golden brown colour of the pastry and the nice smell wafting from the oven door. During eating time everyone commented on how tasty the pasties were and how they plan on making them at home, which was great to hear.
With full stomachs and everyone satisfied with the experience of making their first pasties it was time to bring the event to an end, keeping with tradition we ended with a group photo and a big E-friends chant!
See you at next years cooking event…hmmm what should we cook? ...maybe scones…
you can see more photos here
3月20日にイーフレンズ 家族でパスティ作りパーティーが開催されました。天気はあまり良くありませんでしたが、私たちは雨でもイベントを決行する事にしました。
皆さんが到着してから、私はこれから何を作るのか簡単な紹介をしました。それは…パスティです!!! そして、私はパスティを作るための生地の作り方の実演に移りました。