Hello everyone,
It has been too long since I last did a news update. This year we have been very busy with events and nursery school visits. I will make this news update a review of 2013 and highlight some of the activities we have done.
Family cooking event
The first event of the year was back in march, we held our annual E-Friends Family cooking event; This year we cooked a traditional English food called ‘Pasties’. You can check out the news post I wrote by clicking here. Be sure to check out the photos and see the delicious pasties we cooked.
Open House
This year’s ‘Open House’ was in May, we decided not to plant pumpkins this year (like in the previous years) but instead we held a craft day at E-Friends house. The afternoon craft was the highlight of ‘Open House’ as we made water bottle rockets. I am sure they will make a return next year…… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … BLAST OFF!!!
Summer Camp
In the Sweltering hot summer of August we held our biggest event of the year ‘International Summer Camp’. This year’s camp was fully booked in less than two days, which made us very happy. This year’s English teachers were from Brazil, Bangladesh and America which gave a true international feel to the camp. We also added some new activities which the children seemed to enjoy; water time fun was one of the new activities and helped us all cool down in the hot sun. You can see more photos of summer camp here.
English Story Time
At the end of August we collaborated with the city library to hold their annual English story time. This year’s story time was held in Oyano and around 60 children and adults came to listen to the stories we read. I also introduced the UK using a PowerPoint presentation, danced to a few songs and played the game “Simon Says” which some of the older kids were very good at.
E-Friends Halloween party proved to be popular again this year. Last year’s haunted house made another appearance with a few added improvements. These were ‘The Tunnel of Darkness’ and ‘The Keeper of the Sweets’ where the children had to introduce themselves to get a lollipop, there were some great reactions! A slight change to the game ‘Monster Hunt’ made it more fun and the traditional ‘bobbing for apples’ finished the night off. What scary moments will be waiting next year? You can see more photos of Halloween by clicking here.
Education Forum
We were asked to participate again in the annual education forum that is held at the beginning of November. Last year we gave a talk about E-friends and what we do. This year we were able to do a short class demonstrating what we teach at nursery schools. By joining the Education forum it showed people the benefit of teaching children from a young age, as well as giving a better understanding about E-Friends.
Everyday E-Friends
When we are not doing events we spend most of our time visiting Nursery schools throughout the year. From April this year that number increased to 13 nursery schools in total. We are constantly looking for new ways to keep the classes fun and interesting; it is great to see the children’s English improve as the year progresses.
Please check out the website for other E-Friends news, ‘Kids Class’ is still running every Wednesday click here to see January’s schedule, why not come and join us to make crafts and play games together.
Hope you all have a happy new year, see you in 2014.
Tim & E-Friends staff
オープンハウスは5月に開催しました。今年は前年までのようにかぼちゃの種植えは行いませんでしたが、その代わりにイーフレンズハウスでいろんなクラフトをしました。午後のクラフトでは今回のオープンハウスのハイライトのペットボトルロケットを作りました。参加した子ども達からもとても好評だったので、来年もぜひロケットを飛ばしたいと思います…… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 …発射!!!